How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
That incident made me become even more of an activist. Honey, all you had to say was the word "protest" and I was there! (5.21.16)
Bessie doesn't take injustice lying down. Remember: this is the same girl who drank out of the whites-only water fountain just to stick it to the man—you be darn sure she'll fight for her rights any chance she gets.
Quote #8
Like when they sent Japanese-Americans to those internment camps; now, that was wrong! That was racial paranoia (6.27.7)
Black people weren't the only minority group oppressed by the U.S. government. The imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during WW2 ranks among the darker moment in modern American history.
Quote #9
It seems like the momentum was lost when the Vietnam War happened. It was like all the energy of the young people, and the focus of the country, got shifted away from civil rights. (7.30.28)
If we were conspiracy theorists (and we're not, for the record), we'd say that there's no such thing as coincidences. Regardless, war has a way of distracting citizens from problems on the home-front.