How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
When you get real old, honey, you realize there are certain things that just don't matter anymore. [...] There's a saying: Only little children and old folks tell the truth. (6.28.12)
Isn't that the truth? Once you're old enough, you've earned your right to speak your mind without fear. Kids, on the other hand, simply haven't developed the mind-to-mouth filter that society demands of adults.
Quote #8
Bessie says that for the first time in my life, I seemed to come into my own, as an individual person. I was sixty-seven years old. (6.29.4)
Don't think that Sadie is done growing just because she's old—in many ways, she doesn't truly become herself until her mother's death. Talk about a late bloomer.