How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Funny thing is, some days I feel like a young girl and other days I'm feeling the grave. (1.4.12)
Some days are good and some are bad. But that's a heck of a lot better than feeling like an old lady all of the time, so we're going to consider this one a win.
Quote #5
Papa said, "I don't think any of us will be here to see Halley's Comet the next time it comes around." Well [...] Bessie and I saw it again and it wasn't as good the second time. (3.8.19)
Again, we see how the loss of loved ones can make life less pleasant. This must be especially hard for the sisters, as they were once so close with their family. That being said, this passage puts just how long the sisters have lived into perspective.
Quote #6
Mama also kept losing her pension check. She started hiding it, and then she couldn't find it. And she wouldn't like to admit that she had lost it. (6.27.21)
The sisters get their first glimpse into their future when their mom moves in with them. To be honest, we could totally see Bessie doing this exact same thing—pride is one powerful emotion.