How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
In Jamaica, there were two official classes of Negroes: white Negroes and black Negroes. The white Negroes were higher class and had more privileges in society (5.25.8)
Looks like there's plenty of racism within the black community too. If we were to wager a guess why that is, we'd place it on the legacy of the fact that light skin was (and still is) more favored by white society.
Quote #8
David Duke doesn't think there are Negroes like me and Sadie, colored folks who have never done nothin' except contribute to America. Well, I'm just as good an American as he is—better! (5.25.34)
In case you don't remember, David Duke was a former KKK member and one-time presidential candidate. Yikes. Could any sane person argue that he's a better person than even the worst Delany?
Quote #9
They would complain about [...] the way that Negro children would play in the street [...] It was the little things, like that, little cultural differences, that were the source of tension. (7.30.12)
Most of the time when people talk about race, they're really talking about culture and class and blowing those things way out of proportion. It's these small and ultimately meaningless differences that drive people apart.