How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
[Kat] was in Italy. With a smart and handsome boy. Standing on a private jet. The world lay quite literally at her feet. (8.1)
Getting to see all of these different countries, with a handsome dude in tow, makes being an art thief sound like an awesome job. (One we don't have on our careers page... yet.) But Kat has other things to worry about than good-looking towns and good-looking people. Con artistry doesn't lend itself to carefree living.
Quote #5
"Ich entschuldige mich für die Stunde, Herr Stein." (14.5)
A little bit of untranslated German goes a long way here. We think this quote adds to the worldly nature of the book. According to Google translate, this line means, "I apologize for the hour." We were hoping for something dramatic like, "You killed my father; prepare to die," but we'll have to take what we get.