How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The lack of a name worried her. The presence of a girlfriend, [Kat] assured herself, did not. (11.8)
Kat is deceiving herself here. We get the feeling she'd be pretty bothered if Hale showed up with a girlfriend. A girlfriend who wasn't Kat, that is.
Quote #8
The downside of being a con artist is that it makes you very hard to con. Even if the lies you tell are to yourself. (15.28)
We're not sure if Kat does a good job of conning herself or not. She realizes that she can't be a "normal" girl in a "normal" boarding school, but she really seems to have convinced herself that she doesn't have a romantic attraction to Hale. Which doesn't seem true at all.
Quote #9
"Whatever we do not [...] we do without Uncle Eddie's blessing." (17.10)
Kat has to convince her relatives to deceive their Uncle Eddie. They'll pretty much be lying to him if they get off their butts and do anything. But maybe Eddie was deceiving Kat and co. with his lack of concern about the situation in order to get them to do the job. Would they have been able to pull it off if they had relied on Eddie's help?