How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"It takes a thief to catch a thief." (14.75)
In other words, it takes someone with the same moral code (or lack of one) to get into the mindset of another thief. Does this mean author Ally Carter has pulled off a few heists in her day? Probably not. But it's fun to dream.
Quote #5
"Somebody's playing games! [...] Somebody's having fun! And he doesn't care that other people are going to get hurt because of it." (15.64)
As a thief, Kat doesn't mind when other people steal things. She does mind, however, if other people get hurt in the process. Especially when those people are a part of her family.
Quote #6
"We're not stealing from the Henley. We're stealing at the Henley." (25.20)
Kat makes an interesting ethical distinction here, which, in turn, distinguishes her from, say, Arturo Taccone. Kat and her crew are only stealing what has already been stolen. They're not just taking art from the museum for their own profit or use.