How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The assembly of a crew is a monumental event in a young thief's life. (17.1)
If thieves had resumes, being a crew leader would be the highlight of those resumes. It's like being the lead singer in the band versus the guy with the awesome kazoo solo.
Quote #8
"This Romani bloke was the best thief in the land, he was. Until he fell off a guard tower--" "I heard he drowned." (24.25-24.26)
Having an infamous reputation means that there are going to be all sorts of rumors surrounding your death... at least that's what we heard when we played poker with Andy Kaufman, Elvis, and Michael Jackson last weekend.
Quote #9
Gregory Wainwright dared to look at [Hale] as if he were merely just another annoying teenager. (24.72)
The director of the Henley doesn't know Hale's reputation as an all-star thief. Obviously. Because if Wainwright did know Hale's reputation, he probably wouldn't be having a friendly chat with him. Likewise, if Hale had worn a shirt saying, "I Am Visily Romani," their meeting probably wouldn't have gone over as smoothly.