Herzog Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Her face was gay and round, pink, the blue of her eyes was clear. Very different from the terrifying menstrual ice of her rages, the look of the murderess. (2.248)

Herzog knows he shouldn't mess with Madeleine when she gets really angry. There's something about the way she looks that terrifies him, something even scarier than what he thinks of as her "menstrual ice."

Quote #8

Legs brief and a little bowed but for that reason especially attractive. (3.5)

Herzog isn't going to find Ramona ugly just because her legs are a bit bowed. If anything, this little detail makes him even more attracted to her, either because it's unique or because it symbolizes (in his mind, at least) her sexual willingness.

Quote #9

The weight of her [Ramona's] face was mainly in the lower part. A slight defect, in Herzog's view. Nothing serious. (5.82)

Once again, Herzog's super judgmental eye finds a flaw in Ramona's appearance. But once again, he's willing to overlook the flaw because in his mind, it doesn't ruin the full effect of Ramona's beauty. Maybe if he could just admit to the fact that he likes Ramona's personality, he wouldn't have to agonize over every little detail of her appearance.