Gettysburg Address: Then and Now

    Gettysburg Address: Then and Now

      Despite its current iconic status, the Gettysburg Address wasn't universally well received at the time it was given. It was more Shawshank than Godfather, a slow burn rather than an instant hit.

      The speech was covered by several newspapers since Lincoln was, you know, the president. But even people from the same city reacted very differently to his remarks. The Chicago Tribune presciently described the speech's success when they wrote:

      The dedicatory remarks by President Lincoln will live among the annals of man. (Source)

      Meanwhile, the Chicago Times was much harsher:

      The cheeks of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat, and dishwatery utterances. (Source)


      Today, though, the reactions aren't so much "mixed" as "straight up." And they're more glowing than a halogen bulb. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has firmly moved into "untouchable" territory. Try saying that it makes your cheeks "tingle with shame" and see if anyone agrees.*

      *Spoiler: no one will agree.