Gettysburg Address: Resources


Learn the Address

As the title suggests, this website is dedicated to the Gettysburg Address and features scores of videos from the likes of Louis C.K. and George W. Bush giving their versions of the address.

Movie or TV Productions


Lincoln covers the president's struggle to pass the 13th Amendment and abolish slavery once and for all. You can enjoy an excellent performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and his prosthetic nose.


A faithful recreation of the infamous battle. Make sure you have nothing else on your schedule since it clocks in at four and a half hours.

The Civil War

Ken Burns means quality. This nine-part miniseries covers the entire Civil War with experts, photographs, and primary sources and includes both major players and everyday people. Well worth the watch.

Articles and Interviews

A Linc to the Past

Here you'll find a repository of every New York Times article discussing Lincoln…and his ever-present legacy.

Acting a Fool

In this satirical piece supposedly written by the man who played Lincoln in Lincoln, renowned thespian Daniel Day-Lewis* discusses his feelings on the man under the hat. 

*Not written by Daniel Day-Lewis.


Ken Burns' Civil War

From renowned documentarian Ken Burns, this segment on the Gettysburg Address is a must-watch for any student of the Civil War.

"Fourscore and Seven References Ago…"

A compilation of pop culture references and recitations of the Gettysburg Address throughout the years. So many beards.


Where's Lincoln?

Although there are a few pictures of Lincoln at Gettysburg, they aren't exactly like the photo ops we see today. He's harder to find than Waldo. But this cool interactive page from lets you dig a little deeper into these famous photos.