Treaty of Ghent: Analysis
Treaty of Ghent: Analysis
Symbols, Motifs, and Rhetorical Devices
EthosThe Treaty of Ghent isn't exactly a rousing locker-room speech. Who's going to start a slow-clap over a war that had no winners? When you read this document you're essentially reading a legal...
ListThe Treaty of Ghent is organized as a list of articles, each of which establishes particular requirements for the new peace between the two parties. The articles vary from super-general to hype...
Writing Style
Technical DiplomacyUnlike, say, the Declaration of Independence, you won't see any flowery passages about the meaning of life in the Treaty of Ghent. This document is about hammering out a simple a...
What's Up With the Title?
The Treaty of Ghent: It was a Treaty. It was negotiated in Ghent. What's to discuss?In American history, peace treaties were usually named after a place (where they were negotiated) or a person (wh...
What's Up With the Opening Lines?
His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America desirous of terminating the war which has unhappily subsisted between the two Countries, and of restoring upon principles of perfect reciproci...
What's Up With the Closing Lines?
This Treaty when the same shall have been ratified on both sides without alteration by either of the contracting parties, and the Ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be binding on both parties,...
(7) Snow LineAt times, the Treaty of Ghent is so wordy that it feels like a maze. We're talking about multiple dependent clauses, a barrage of semi-colons, and a bombardment of looping lists. Yet,...
In-Text ReferencesHistorical and Political ReferencesTreaty of Paris (IV.1), (IV.5), (V.1), (V.3), (VI.1), (VI.3), (VII.1)King George III (Intro.1), (I.1), (IV.1-3), (IV. 7-8), (IV.10), (VI.1), (VI...
The Battle of New Orleans was fought after the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed, since it took weeks to get word of the peace across the Atlantic. Thanks for showing up almost two centuries...