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Homeless Bird The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The day I left home, there would be a little more for everyone else. I had known the day was coming, but the regret I saw in Maa's eyes made me tremble. (1.1)

We feel for Koly and her mom when Koly leaves home for her hubby's house. We know it's traditional and all, but it's still hard on Koly and makes her feel lonely and confused. She's not sure if she'll even like her new husband, family, or home, and feels, well, homeless.

Quote #2

As I lay there in the strange house, I felt like a newly caged animal that rushes about looking for the open door that isn't there. I thought I might be able to endure one day in my new home and perhaps two, but I did not see how I could live there for the rest of my life. (1.80)

Koly compares herself to a bird a lot in the book (head on over to "Symbols" to really explore this in depth). Here we see that she's restricted in her new home and doesn't feel a sense of comfort. She even wonders how long she can stay. That's what we'd call foreshadowing.

Quote #3

I thought of the excitement of the city. But what would I do for a living, and where could I stay? I remembered all the families living on the streets. (4.39)

As Koly first starts considering how to escape her life and make it on her own, she's excited. But then she considers what it really means, and she's just not so sure she can make enough money or find a stable home. It turns out even the depressing Mehtas' pad is more like a home than the big wide world.