Homeless Bird The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That night, for the first time since coming to Vrindavan, I felt safe. Lying nearby were other widows, their soft sighs and turnings like so many doves fluttering around me. (9.1)

The widows' house brings comfort to Koly. It feels more like a home to her than the Mehtas' place ever does, and here she finds peace and encouragement from Maa Kamala and Tanu. Most importantly? She feels safe.

Quote #8

Tanu and I were proud of having our own place. We put pictures from old magazines on the wall and bought two charpoys and a small hot plate to cook on. (11.25)

This time when Koly moves it's because she wants to. Unlike the previous times we've seen her pack up, she chooses to get her own digs with her friend. Notice how Koly tells us that she's "proud"of her new place because it's something that she and Tanu have created together. You go, girls.

Quote #9

I thought often of the room Raji had built for me. (11.43)

Our hearts melt when Raji builds a room for Koly's embroidery work. It's a sign to her that he totally gets her and wants her to be happy doing what she loves. It also shows us that she can make his farm her home instead of just a house that she lives in with him. Swoon.