Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Quote #7

DIANE: Where are the kids? 

WAYNE: I haven't seen them since this morning.

If you were looking for evidence that Wayne isn't the most present father in the world, then consider this your smoking gun. Wouldn't you expect him to be a little more concerned about the sudden disappearance of his children?

Quote #8

POLICE OFFICER: This sort of thing happens all of the time. You have a little spat with the kids… 

BIG RUSS: Whoa. We did not have a spat.

We could write a book about all of Big Russ' failings as a father, but problemo numero uno is that he refuses to acknowledge any of them. This makes everything so much worse because his kids don't just feel pushed around by their old man—they feel ignored by him.

Quote #9

BIG RUSS: What do you mean he was afraid to tell me? He could tell me anything he wants. You know me. I always listen.

This statement is dripping with so much irony that you could fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool with it. Although the whole "shrunk kids" experience opens his eyes to his failings as a father, Big Russ is oblivious to his sons' feelings for the bulk of the movie.