Hope Yancey Timeline and Summary


Hope Yancey Timeline and Summary

  • She writes "HOPE WAS HERE" on the boarded-up windows of the Blue Box diner in Brooklyn, NY, where she worked as a waitress for a year and a half.
  • She and her Aunt Addie head out to Mulhoney, Wisconsin, to start new jobs at the Welcome Stairways diner owned by G.T. Stoop.
  • G.T. announces that he's going to run for Mayor of Mulhoney and before Hope can tie the strings on her apron, she's working on his election campaign with the diner's grill man Braverman and some students from the local high school.
  • As Hope spends time with Braverman in the kitchen and on the campaign trail, she realizes that he's cuter than she thought when she first met him.
  • G.T. asks Hope to join him for a day of campaigning on the road. She spends the day with G.T. going around Wisconsin and this confirms her opinion of him: he's the greatest guy in the world.
  • Braverman gets beat up and Hope is a wreck. It's becoming obvious to everyone—even Hope herself—that she has strong feelings for the guy.
  • Hope's mother, Deena, whom she hasn't seen in three years, strolls into town. Hope is rattled at first by her mom's presence in the diner but turns it around after Braverman gives her a spongy red clown nose to wear.
  • When Braverman asks her out on a date, she runs out of the diner without giving him an answer.
  • A few days later Hope explains she freaked because she was scared but she really does want to go out with him.
  • They have a practice date right in the diner and they share their first kiss for dessert.
  • Hope's father finally enters her life, and he's 1000 times better than she imagined him to be. It's G.T. After he and Addie marry, he adopts Hope.
  • Hope graduates from high school and that summer G.T. passes away. She's comforted by the outpouring of love and respect for her dad by the people of Mulhoney.
  • A few days before heading out to Michigan State for her first semester of college, Hope stops by the diner to say goodbye to yet another place she loves.
  • She finds the perfect place to write HOPE WAS HERE and knows in her heart that this time she'll be back—back to the place she now calls home.