Hope Was Here Perseverance Quotes

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Quote #4

I don't expect life to be easy. It hasn't been yet and I'm not holding out for smooth sailing in the future. Not everyone likes this philosophy, but it makes sense to me because when life hits the skids, I don't have to regroup as much as the people who walk around in a cloud like the world owes them a joyful existence. (9)

That's certainly one way to put a positive spin on having been dealt some lousy cards in the game of life. Rather than feel sorry for herself, Hope's approach is to turn that frown upside-down and make it work to her advantage.

Quote #5

"This is probably the hardest move we've made together, honey, but we're going to give it all we've got to make it work, and if it still doesn't fit, we'll decide what to do." (22)

Addie's not exactly the cheerful, smiley face type, but when the going gets tough, Addie keeps going. She bolsters Hope's belief that you keep going until things work out.

Quote #6

"I've had one round of chemotherapy, Emma. I'm hoping it will put me into remission."

"What if it doesn't?" someone yells.

"Then I'll do it again." (40)

G.T.'s just as strong as Addie, but he doesn't wear it on his sleeve like she does. The kind man with the "gentle face" keeps it under wraps until he really needs it. What's so special about this guy is that he not only has the courage to deal with the tough things in life, but he does it all with a smile.