Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Henry practiced the Japanese words, saying them over and over as he kept walking—until the faces on the street turned from black to white to Japanese. (7.35)

Henry isn't just repeating the Japanese words that Sheldon taught him because he wants to hit on Keiko with his smooth pick-up lines; he's doing so because he wants to show her that he's making an effort to connect with her Japanese culture.

Quote #5

"I. Don't. Speak. Japanese." Keiko burst out laughing. "They don't even teach it anymore at the Japanese school. They stopped last fall. My mom and dad speak it, but they wanted me to learn only English." (7.67)

Well, that certainly backfired. Henry delivers his flirtatious line in Japanese and Keiko doesn't even know what he's said—because she's only allowed to speak English, too.

Quote #6

There was so much to say and ask, but neither Henry nor Marty inched closer to the subject. They just waited for their server, who would soon be bringing more tea and orange slices. (9.25)

Henry loves his son Marty more than anyone, but he has a hard time communicating with him—especially now that Ethel isn't around to mediate the conversations. So they often just lapse into awkward silence.