Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"That's been Pop's Holy Grail—rumor is they printed a handful back in the forties, but none survive today," Marty explained. "Some people don't even believe it ever actually existed, because when Oscar died, he was so old even he didn't remember recording it. Just some of his bandmates, and of course Pops here—" (23.60)

For years, Marty has been aware of his father's search for the Oscar Holden record but doesn't know why it's so important. Now that he's learned about Keiko and how much Henry loves her, he finally gets it.

Quote #5

"I knew going to a Caucasian school was going to present certain challenges for Keiko," Mr. Okabe said. "But we tell her, Be who you are, no matter what. I warned her that they may never like her, some might even hate her, but eventually, they will respect her—as an American." (25.34)

Henry is super impressed by how the Okabe family refuses to be put down just because they're Japanese American. They'll keep fighting for their right to be seen as Americans, no matter how much resistance they meet.

Quote #6

Henry hadn't spoken to Keiko since they left the restaurant. He'd called again from a pay phone on the way over, but the phone just rang and rang until an operator cut in asking if there was a problem. He hung up. If he was to find them, this was the place. But had they left already? He had to find her. He hated the thought of going back to school without her and was surprised at how much he missed her already. (26.38)

He may be a good, responsible student, but Henry's willing to skip school in order to look for Keiko. He needs to find her in that large crowd of people being evacuated so he can say goodbye properly.