Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Henry breathed a sigh of quiet relief and sat down on an old milk crate. Like so many things Henry had wanted in life—like his father, his marriage, his life—it had arrived a little damaged. Imperfect. But he didn't care, this was all he'd wanted. Something to hope for, and he'd found it. It didn't matter what condition it was in. (28.28)

After all these years of searching, Henry's finally found the elusive Oscar Holden record. It doesn't even matter that the record is damaged and unplayable; he's just happy to have this memento of the time he shared with Keiko.

Quote #8

But the more he questioned those who came through his chow line about the Okabes, the more frustrated he became. Few cared, and those who did never seemed to understand. Still, like a lost ship occasionally sending out an SOS, Henry kept peppering those he served with questions. (31.7)

When Henry starts working at Camp Harmony, he thinks it'll be easy to find Keiko—but he soon discovers that the camp is huge and filled with people who don't know the Okabe family. Nonetheless, he keeps asking after them because he's determined to find his friend.

Quote #9

It was delicious. "This takes years to learn how to make, how did you…"

"I've been practicing," Samantha explained. "Sometimes you have to just go for it. Try for what's hardest to accomplish. Like you and your childhood sweetheart." (33.17-18)

Samantha is definitely trying to get in her future father-in-law's good graces. She's spent all this time learning to make a traditional Chinese dessert that requires tons of skill and practice, so she's obviously invested in this relationship. Fun fact: fancy dessert is totally the way to our hearts, too.