The Hurt Locker Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #4

ELDRIDGE: Hey, it's Mr. "Be All You Can Be." What's up, doc?

CAMBRIDGE: Not much. How are you?

ELDRIDGE: I'm good. Got a question about that song, though. "Be All You Can Be." What if all I can be is dead on the side of an Iraqi road? I mean, I think it's logical. This is a war. People die all the time. Why not me?

CAMBRIDGE: You got to change the record in your head. You gotta start thinking about other things, okay? Stop obsessing. Right now, what are you thinking about?

ELDRIDGE: You want to know what I'm thinking about, doc?


ELDRIDGE: This is what I'm thinking about, doc. Here's Thompson, okay. He's dead, he's alive. Here's Thompson. He's dead, he's alive. He's dead, he's alive.

Eldridge has a lot of trouble coping with the whole potential-for-death-at-any-moment thing, and talking to the company's shrink doesn't seem to help all that much. In particular, he seems very disturbed about how instantaneous death can be. With no warning, you're completely gone. One moment, Thompson was alive. The next minute, he wasn't. We get it—it's a hard thing to wrap your head around.

Quote #5

SANBORN: You know, these detonators misfire all the time.

ELDRIDGE: What are you doing?

SANBORN: I'm just saying s*** happens, they misfire.

Here, Sanborn is considering killing Will "by accident." He and Eldridge are both terrified that Will's reckless style is going to get them all killed, and so Sanborn seems to want to take, er, preventive measures. It seems that being so close to death constantly may have warped Sanborn's sense of right and wrong, eh?

Quote #6

WILL: This box is full of stuff that almost killed me.

ELDRIDGE: And what about this one? Where's this one from, Will?

WILL: It's my wedding ring. Like I said, stuff that almost killed me. You know, I just think it's really interesting, you know, to hold something in your hand that could have killed any one of us.

Unlike the others, Will is apparently totally down with risking death every day. He even keeps little reminders of his encounters with danger in a box under his bed. The box is mostly filled with bomb parts, with the exception of his wedding ring.