The Hurt Locker Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hurt Locker.

Quote #7

ELDRIDGE: Thanks for saving my life, but we didn't have to go out looking for trouble to get your f***ing adrenaline fix, you f***.

When Will leads the team into an unnecessarily dangerous situation, Eldridge ends up getting taken—and in the process of getting him back, Will accidentally shoots him in the leg. Eldridge manages to thank Will for not actually getting him killed, but he's not thrilled about the fact that his leg has been blown to pieces. Of course, Will may have saved Eldridge in more than one way since the wound gets Eldridge out of the war zone right away.

Quote #8

WILL: You all right?

SANBORN: Naw, man. I f***ing hate this place.

WILL: Here, man, have a hit.

SANBORN: I'm not ready to die, James.

WILL: Well, you're not going to die out here, bro.

SANBORN: Another two inches. Shrapnel zings by, slices my throat. I bleed out like a pig in the sand. Nobody'll give a s***. I mean, my parents'll care, but they don't count, man, who else? I don't even have a son.

WILL: Well, you're going to have plenty of time for that, amigo.

SANBORN: Naw, man.

WILL: You know?

SANBORN: I'm done. I want a son. I want a little boy, Will. I mean, how do you do it, you know? Take the risk?

WILL: I don't know, I just...I guess I don't think about it.

SANBORN: Every time we go out, it's life or death, you roll the dice...You recognize that, don't you?

WILL: Yeah, yeah. And yeah, I do. But I don't know why, you know. Yeah. I don't know, JT. You know why I am the way I am?

SANBORN: No, I don't.

Here, Sanborn is contemplating how much his life would mean if it were to, er, end. Apparently, these thoughts have convinced him finally that he needs to get the show on the road and have a kid. Of course, that probably means the end of his career in EOD since he doesn't seem to think it's right to take those kinds of risks with a kid at home. Will, however, sees no real issue.