How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
All right, she said, she would just ask me point-blank: did my father or I hold her responsible in any way for what happened? (1.16)
Mrs. Fennick, librarian, doesn't actually feel guilty about Thomas at all. She just wants to be absolved of responsibility, in writing, to avoid any potential lawsuits. Classy.
Quote #2
Because Ray was a bully, I showed him as often as possible that Thomas was the weaker brother. Fed him Thomas to save myself. (3.54)
Dominick grapples with his behavior as a teenager and young adult for the entire novel. He might criticize Leo for believing in "survival of the fittest," but Dominick definitely lives his life by that philosophy while growing up.
Quote #3
"Look, the last time they upped his dosage after an episode, he was like something out of Night of the Living Dead." (15.36)
Dominick blames psychiatrists for overmedicating Thomas in the past, and he has a point, but this past experience makes him want to blame Dr. Patel for Thomas's current behavior, even though she's trying to help.