How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"How did that make you feel? To be the one of the three not getting it 'with both of the barrels'?" (15.103)
Dominick's response to this is "guilty." He experiences a kind of survivor's guilt because Ray abused Ma and Thomas but not really him. He also feels guilty because by merely avoiding Ray's abuse, and not stopping it, Dominick feels complicit in it.
Quote #5
"That's the way it was with Ray. You just had to play defense." (17.169)
By saying this, Dominick seems to be blaming Thomas for being abused by Ray—as though by not being quick-witted or savvy enough to avoid it, Thomas somehow deserved Ray's terrible treatment.
Quote #6
"What'd you do—bag all three of us? Thomas, Ralph, and me? F*** over three guys for the price of one?" (22.238)
Here's what we mean by Leo's "survival of the fittest" attitude. Leo doesn't seem to feel guilty about it at all, though. But it's easy for Dominick to get mad when he's the one getting sold out.