
Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action

There are explosions, suspenseful action sequences, and aliens, so we're definitely watching a sci-fi movie. No doubt about that.

However, it's also got some elements of a comedy snuck in there. Steve, David, and his father, Julius, are all very funny (although not necessarily intentionally, in Julius's case), and Steve in particular is the king of snappy banter and one-liners—even in the face of tragedy and danger.

For example, even after engaging in a long battle with the aliens that killed one of his best friends, Steve is still making wise cracks…even when no one is around to hear him.

He captures and then knocks out an alien, and shouts "Welcome to Earth!" Then, he smokes a celebratory cigar while commenting, "Now that's what I call a close encounter!" in a way that echoes the humor/smoking habits of famous comedian Groucho Marx.

If Will Smith makes a joke in the desert, and no one hears him, is it still hilarious?