Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Quote #4

DONOVAN: The Holy Grail, Dr. Jones. The chalice used by Christ during the last supper. The cup that caught his blood at the crucifixion and was entrusted to Joseph of Arimathea.

INDIANA: The Arthur legend. I've heard this bedtime story before.

DONOVAN: Eternal life, Dr. Jones! The gift of youth to whoever drinks from the Grail! Now that's a bedtime story I'd like to wake up to.

INDIANA: An old man's dream.

DONOVAN: Every man's dream, including your father's, I believe.

This exchange does two things. First, it shows Donovan's motives: he wants the Holy Grail, and he wants it for himself so that he can live forever. Second, it demonstrates that Donovan totally misunderstands Henry's interest in the Grail. Henry's been after the Holy Grail his entire life because of its cultural and spiritual significance, not so he can see how the 2056 World Series turns out.

Quote #5

HENRY: I misjudged you, Walter. I knew you would sell your mother for an Etruscan vase, but I didn't know you would sell your country and your soul to the slime of humanity.

In other words, "I knew you were a greedy slimeball, Walt, but I didn't know you were willing to go full Nazi. Gross."

Quote #6

ELSA: Don't look at me like that. We both wanted the Grail. I would've done anything to get it. You would've done the same.

INDIANA: I'm sorry you think so.

It's pretty clear that Indiana has legit feelings for Elsa, so when she insinuates that he's lacking in principles just as she is, it's a huge bummer for him.