Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Quote #7

HENRY: The only thing that matters is the Grail.

INDIANA: What about Marcus?

HENRY: Marcus would agree with me!

INDIANA: (Sarcastically:) Two selfless martyrs. Jesus Christ.

Henry slaps him.

HENRY: That's for blasphemy.

Slapping somebody for blasphemy? That's pretty old school, and it says a lot about how firmly Henry's principles are rooted in Christian beliefs (at least of a certain kind). It's pretty clear he takes this Grail stuff very seriously.

Quote #8

DONOVAN: Whattaya say, Jones? Ready to go down in history?

INDIANA: As what? A Nazi stooge like you?

DONOVAN: The Nazis? Is that the limit of your vision? The Nazis want to write themselves into the Grail legend, take on the world. Well, they're welcome. But I want the Grail itself, the cup that gives everlasting life. Hitler can have the world, but he can't take it with him. I'm going to be drinking my own health when he's gone the way of the dodo.

Here's how warped ol' Water Donovan is. Based on this speech, we can see that he thinks he's more exceptional than Hitler. Yeah, that Hitler.

Quote #9

Elsa picks up the Grail and heads for the exit.

ELSA: We have got it. Come on!

INDIANA: Elsa. Elsa don't move.

ELSA: It's ours, Indy, yours and mine.

INDIANA: Elsa, don't cross the seal! The knight warned us not to take the Grail from here!

Elsa ignores Indiana, crosses the seal, and causes the building to start collapsing.

Oh, Elsa. Just like Donovan, her weakness is her self-centeredness and greed. When she gets her hot little hands around that Grail, she turns into a wild-eyed greed monster, incapable of rational thought—you know, like heeding the wisdom of a centuries-old knight.