How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
As soon as her parents had learned she was pregnant, they'd offered her one choice. Give up the baby or give up her nice home in Kenner, her education, her family. For reasons he still didn't understand, she'd chosen him. (1.37)
There are a lot of types of love represented in this book, not just romantic love. The love between Nick's mom and her son is very prominent. She loves him unconditionally.
Quote #2
She laughed like an angel. A beautiful, perfect…I am so in love with you. Get a grip, Nick….Get a grip…. (1.96-1.98)
There is plenty of romantic love in this novel, too, if that's more your thing. Nick falls for Nekoda at first sight. Is it destiny? Or is it lust, because Nick is only fourteen? Or is everybody wrong when they say that teenagers only know about lust and infatuation and not about love?
Quote #3
"You are my little man, Nickyboo. And I'm so grateful I have you. You're the only thing I've ever done right in my entire life and if anything ever happened to you, they'd have to dig two graves 'cause I couldn't live a single day without my baby beside me." (2.137)
Okay, Nick's mom loves him. That's sweet. But this is a little intense, and it maybe borders on co-dependency. How will Nick's mom react when he finally moves out of her house? Maybe they both have a little growing up to do.