How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
My best bud, Acheron, once explained it to me like this. (Prologue.4)
When you first read the book, you care about what Acheron has to say about fate and free will. But thinking back on this quote, you realize that Nick is calling Acheron his "best bud." We're not sure when exactly they'll become friends, because they only hang out once in this book. It looks like they reach BFF status eventually, even though many people warn Nick to say away from Acheron.
Quote #2
"I just wanted to say that you should be very careful with what you learn from others and who you let into your life." (4.36)
This is good advice for anyone, but it's even better advice when your friends might be demons from another dimension.
Quote #3
"He's the best friend you'll ever make or your last enemy." (7.74)
This is said to Nick about Acheron. And by the end of this book, we're still not sure which Acheron is: best friend or enemy. Nick calls Acheron his "best bud" early on, but he also wishes he'd never met him. Maybe they're more frenemies than friends?