How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Out of the darkness, a blur rushed in at the same instant Alan fired the gun. (2.9)
We make it through an entire chapter without anything supernatural happening, so it's startling when a creature rushes out with super speed to save Nick. This will become commonplace by the end of the book, but Kyrian's debut is a dramatic one. And while the book doesn't explicitly say Kyrian's supernatural, he's faster than Usain Bolt, so you know something is up.
Quote #2
She's dangerous to you. Avoid her. He scowled at the deep, scary voice in his head. It sounded almost demonic. WTH? (3.66)
While it's never explicitly clear who this deep scary voice belongs to, we assume it belongs to Ambrose/future Nick. At this point in the book, though, we're not sure. We do know that Nick hasn't exhibited signs of schizophrenia, so this voice sure does seem supernatural.
Quote #3
Nekoda locked the door of the storeroom to keep anyone else in the hospital from innocently coming in and seeing Sraosha's form. Tall and graceful, he was so beautiful that it was hard to look straight at him. His powers were so great that they manifested as an ever-moving aura that illuminated his skin with a bright yellow glow. (3.70)
You know Sraosha is supernatural not because he glows but because he has an unpronounceable name. If we had a magical mentor, we'd want her to be named Susan. Just to mix things up a bit.