Mother Timeline and Summary


Mother Timeline and Summary

  • In the beginning, it is Tet and Mother assists and is present for all of the festivities. 
  • Mother visits a fortuneteller to see what this new year will bring.
  • When Hà is pouting about getting teased by her brothers, Mother reminds her that they love her.
  • Because of the war, Hà's father was sent on a mission and never returned nine years ago, which causes Mother a lot of pain and sadness.
  • Hà wants to know about her mother's life, but she doesn't like talking too much about it; on Hà's real birthday, though, she tells her a little.
  • When they go into town to a ceremony for war wives, Mother receives her food rations but is skeptical when the president fake-cries.
  • Instead of making all the decisions herself, Mother calls a family meeting to discuss whether they should flee the country.
  • Ultimately, though, she makes the tough call.
  • She sews packs for the family. When Brother Khoi hints that he isn't going to leave, she persuades him to reconsider, which he does. Go, Mother, go.
  • When they are getting ready to leave, Mother gets rid of all the leftover photos of the family so that there is no evidence, and she tells Hà that Father is watching over them, and will protect them.
  • On the ship, Mother keeps her children together and makes them be productive with their time, studying and exercising and such.
  • In order to get supplies they need, Mother wants to sell a ring that Father gave to her, but the boys urge her not to.
    Instead of following Uncle Son to Canada, which she would like to do for protection, Mother is respectful of his wife and decides to go to America instead.
  • She is flexible. When she finds out that Christians are being sponsored faster, she says they are Christian, no big deal.
  • After a short adjustment period in their new home, Mother firmly lets the children know they must learn to speak English first and foremost, and then she makes sure everyone finds something productive to do. She's got her eyes on the academic prize when it comes to her kids.
  • Mother gets a job sewing on a machine at a factory, but doesn't like it.
  • When things get tough, Mother chants and tries to remain calm.
  • She encourages her children to be patient and calm, to chant and seek wisdom, and not to fight with fists.
  • She is quietly supportive and encouraging.