Inside Out & Back Again Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why did Lai write this book in verse (a.k.a. poetry)? What overall effect does it have on the story? Would reading this novel feel different if it were written in prose?
  2. There is very little dialogue or action because of how the book is written. Do you feel like you know the characters anyway? If so, how did Lai develop the characters? If not, what impact does this have on the your relationship to the story?
  3. Because this novel is written like a journal, are we supposed to believe that these are the actual poems Kim Hà wrote over the year?
  4. What do these poems tell us that Hà doesn't come out and say? 
  5. Have you ever written poems? Did they help you in some way? How do you think writing helped Hà during this year?
  6. The end of the story turns out really happily. Do you feel like this is a believable ending? Why or why not?