Interpreter of Maladies Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Abbreviated Title.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He watched as [the slip of paper] rose, carried higher and higher by the breeze, into the trees where the monkeys now sat, solemnly observing the scene below. Mr. Kapasi observed it too, knowing that this was the picture of the Das family he would preserve forever in his mind. (IM 69)

This scene is so striking to Mr. Kapasi that he seems to be taking a mental picture of it, knowing that it would become his final impression of the Das family after the other memories faded.

Quote #5

"Boori Ma's mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. What is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan." So the residents tossed her bucket and rags, her baskets and reed broom, down the stairwell, past the letter boxes, through the collapsible gate, and into the alley. Then they tossed out Boori Ma. All were eager to begin their search for a real durwan. (ARD 74-75)

Out with the old, in with the new…sounds simple and harmless until you're dealing with an actual person. As a symbol of the old, the past, Boori Ma's presence has to be obliterated for the residents to see themselves as moving forward with progress.

Quote #6

But the next Sunday it snowed, so much so that Dev couldn't tell his wife he was going running along the Charles. The Sunday after that, the snow had melted, but Miranda made plans to go to the movies with Laxmi, and when she told Dev this over the phone, he didn't ask her to cancel them. The third Sunday she got up early and went out for a walk. (S 190)

This is how the past is made…Sunday by passing Sunday. It's a good thing time moves on. Some memories aren't meant to be held onto.