Interpreter of Maladies Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Abbreviated Title.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Whenever we make that drive, I always make it a point to take Massachusetts Avenue, in spite of the traffic. I barely recognize the buildings now, but each time I am there I return instantly to those six weeks as if they were only the other day, and I slow down and point to Mrs. Croft's street, saying to my son, here was my first home in America, where I lived with a woman who was 103. "Remember?" Mala says, and smiles, amazed, as I am, that there was ever a time that we were strangers. My son always expresses his astonishment, not at Mrs. Croft's age, but at how little I paid in rent, a fact nearly as inconceivable to him as a flag on the moon to a woman born in 1866. (TFC 151)

This is a rare passage in the book where a character looks back with warm and happy memories of a past time, uncomplicated by trauma or regret. Is this related to the narrator's age at this point in the story? Do we see the past differently in middle age?