Gospel of John Resources

Everything you ever wanted to know about Jesus, but were unsure how to Google.
Movies and TV

The 2003 movie is a word-for-word recreation of John's Gospel (for all those times when words on a page just won't cut it). Bonus points for starring Desmond from Lost as Jesus.

While not exclusively about The Gospel of John, this rock opera—based on the last week of Jesus's life—has all kinds of catchy gospel-inspired musical numbers.

This controversial movie drew protest when it was released in 1988, in part because it shows Jesus struggling with doubt, depression, and lust. Guess no one likes a Doubting Messiah.

Maybe it's impossible to make a movie about Jesus without a little controversy. This 2004 Mel Gibson blockbuster covers the final twelve hours of Jesus's life and features dialogue in Aramaic and Latin. People balked at the gruesome depictions of the crucifixion, but flocked to the theaters anyway.

This 1927 silent movie by Cecil B. DeMille (of The Ten Commandments fame) attempted to portray a more nuanced version of its Jewish characters. It makes the high priest, Caiaphas, into a more sympathetic figure—not an easy task.
Historical Documents

Read it for yourself. We dare you.

Written by first-century Jewish historian, Josephus, around 94 CE, the third chapter of this text provides some information about Jesus and Pilate. Have at it and become a biblical scholar in one sitting.

Here's some historical info on Jesus from the good people at National Geographic.

No one really knows, but this short PBS news story gives us some options.

In this Funny or Die original sketch, Jesus dines with his disciples at his last supper… and has a slight issue with the bill.

SNL takes on Jesus, Phil Hartman style.

Jesus only makes a brief appearance in this irreverent Monty Python comedy, but the crucifixion scene will have you looking at the bright side of life.

This spoken word poem went viral a few years ago, but it still has the power to capture our attention as an earnest mediation on faith in Jesus.

Sure, Jesus did it in the middle of the stormy sea at night, but we guess we'll give Criss Angel credit for getting across this hotel swimming pool.

New Testament scholar John Dominic Crossan talks with NPR about Jesus, the crucifixion, and the early church. Trust us, this guy knows his stuff.

Bart Ehrman, professor of religious studies at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, talks with Terry Gross about Jesus and the difference between the gospels. You'll want to run out and read all of them again.

A concert performance of Bach's 18th-century oratorio, St. John's Passion. The audio includes a short introduction to the piece and its slightly problematic history in Christian worship.

Johnny Cash and The Carter Family sing the haunting gospel classic, Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)? We dare you not to swoon.

Check out this awesome NPR story on how the New Testament was shaped and changed to become the book we know today.

Ever wondered where all the stars of the Gospel of John lived? This helpful map points the way—but please, no flash photography.

The big city.

Check out how the temple looked in the time of Jesus. Money changers might want to set up shop elsewhere.

Here's a stunning mosaic tile floor in The Church of the Multiplication. Look familiar?

The largest Art Deco statue in the world is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. And it's Jesus.

A screen shot from The Passion of the Christ. The movie (inaccurately) imagines that Mary Magdalene was the woman caught in adultery.