Kramer vs. Kramer Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Kramer vs. Kramer.

Quote #4

BILLY: Daddy, it's burning! It's burning!

TED: What?

BILLY: It's burning!

TED: Oh, Jesus.
Ted grabs the hot pan handle, then drops the pan on the floor.
Damn it!
Ted holds his burned hand.

TED: God damn her!

Something tells us the biggest source of Ted's pain isn't that hot pan handle.

Quote #5

TED: Miss, can you help me? (to Billy) What grade are you in?

BILLY: First.

TED: This is Billy Kramer. He's in first grade. Take care of him for me. I gotta get a taxi; I'm a little late.
Ted runs off.

Just in case you didn't believe us when we said it's possible to abandon someone and still see them every day, meet Ted. Ted doesn't know WHAT GRADE HIS SON IS IN. He's also cool with literally shoving that son at a friendly-looking lady who's, hopefully, employed by his son's school, and literally running away to catch a taxi.

Quote #6

TED: I just didn't look at the writing on the wall, so, you know, she's kinda—I think what she did last night was a way of making me stop, look, and listen, and say, "Hey, you know, I'm just as important as your work."

Good call, Ted.