Like Water for Chocolate Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"When you're told there's no way you can marry the woman you love and your only hope of being near her is to marry her sister, wouldn't you do the same?" (1, 54)

To marry or not to marry…Pedro is pretty confident in his decision to marry Rosaura but his dad is just a teensy bit skeptical.

Quote #2

"No, Papa, I am going to marry with a great love for Tita that will never die." (1, 57)

Again, Pedro is defending his feelings for Tita and his plan to marry her sister. Is it a great sacrifice he's making, or just a really, really bad idea?

Quote #3

"Lord, this is not lust or lewdness but to make a child to serve you." (2, 152)

Mmm, sexy. Pedro thinks this right before he sleeps with Rosaura for the first time. From the way he acts toward her, and how little they touch throughout the novel, we're pretty sure there's nothing hot or steamy about their bedroom activities.