Like Water for Chocolate Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Like silent spectators to a movie, Pedro and Tita began to cry watching the stars act out the love that was denied to them. (3, 196)

Those "stars" are Gertrudis and the rebel soldier, who do everything Pedro and Tita can only fantasize about. Talk about needing an icy cold shower ASAP.

Quote #5

"I've never needed a man for anything; all by myself, I've done all right with my ranch and my daughters. Men aren't that important in this life, Father […]." (4, 284)

On the one hand, we love Mama E's feminist attitude here; on the other hand, she's not so liberal when it comes to her daughters. Can someone be both a feminist and machismo?

Quote #6

"My grandmother had a very interesting theory; she said that each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves." (6, 396)

A metaphor, a symbol, a way of helping Tita through her tough times, John shares this theory with her when she comes to live with him.