Like Water for Chocolate Tradition/Society Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You know perfectly well that being the youngest daughter means you have to take care of me until the day I die." (1, 22)

This is tradition in the De la Garza family and for better or worse, Tita is the youngest daughter.

Quote #2

"First work, then do as you please, except crying, do you hear?" (5, 352)

Part of tradition in the household is that everyone works, no matter what. When Tita doesn't follow the rules, Mama E gets even more mean than usual.

Quote #3

"Perhaps Nacha only heard what everyone else was afraid to say." (1, 58)

In the society of 1900s Mexico, it was not cool to speak your mind, or cause a scene in any way. The Kardashians wouldn't last a second.