Principles Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You won't know if I do it," Call said. "I reckon I'll do it, since you've asked." (96.111)

Call is a man of his word, always, and Gus knows it. He knows that Call will enact his final wishes, no matter how ridiculous they seem, because Call is an honorable man.

Quote #8

"I'm leaving my half of the herd to Lorie, and don't you dispute with me about it. Just see she gets what money's coming to her." (96.118)

Gus has always wanted to make sure Lorena has a fair shot at an honest life, and his integrity stays true until the end, when he gives Lorena all his money. It takes an honest man to make an honest woman.

Quote #9

When the Indians left, [Call] felt like tracking them and revenging his friend—though he didn't know which braves had done it. (98.68)

Some men might just go on a random killing spree, but Call will only kill someone who deserves it. What a guy.