How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
He was married with two children. (2.10)
Guess who Grann is describing here? It's hard to answer that without context, because so many of the explorers in this book have families. They have wives and kids, and they all abandon them to roam around in the jungle. Grann does it. Fawcett does it. And here Grann is describing James Lynch, who disappeared in 1996.
Quote #2
And so Lynch agreed, like Fawcett, to take his son with him. (2.18)
The parallels between Lynch and Fawcett don't end there. Both men take their sons into the jungle, and both men end up captured…or at least that's what we assume happened to Fawcett. If we were as metaphysically inclined as Fawcett, we might believe that Lynch is Fawcett reincarnated. We should check for identical birthmarks.
Quote #3
[My wife] looked at me for a long moment. "I hope you know what you're doing." (3.21)
Here's another guessing game: who is Grann talking about here? It could be Nina Fawcett, who despite being her husband's champion was also always worried about him returning safety. Well, in this case, it's Grann himself who is the subject of this quote. Grann's wife seems oddly unconcerned that her incompetent husband is heading to the jungle. Maybe she's unaware of just how dangerous it could be, because Grann, too, underestimates its dangers.