How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
While his wife had dispelled some of his moodiness, he remained, as he put it, a "lone wolf," determined to "seek paths of my own rather than take the well-trodden ways." (4.27)
This is one area where Grann and Fawcett are differentiated. Grann is not a lone wolf, but he has a tendency to get obsessed. When both men do get obsessed, they develop tunnel vision, shutting out their families and family concerns.
Quote #5
"You can't just go like that," my wife said. […] "You're not giving me a whole lot of confidence." (7.1, 7.3)
Here we get Grann's wife giving him some pushback, which encourages Grann to prepare better for the trip. It stinks that he is leaving his wife behind, but if he were single, he might not be as well prepared. Or something like that.
Quote #6
The net morning I stuffed my gear and maps in my backpack, and said good-bye to my wife and infant son. "Don't be stupid," my wife said. Then I headed to the airport and boarded a plane for Brazil. (11.7)
Grann's wife is a lot more straightforward than Nina was. This is mainly due to a difference in women's roles at the time. Nina was expected to be a housewife, while Grann's wife works for 60 Minutes. She can't go home and take care of the kids until after Andy Rooney shuts up.