Lost in Translation Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Lost in Translation.

Quote #4

LYDIA: Look, I'm glad you're having fun.

BOB: It's not fun. It's just very, very different.

LYDIA: Maybe that's good. I have to get the kids off for school, okay? So can I call you in a while?

BOB: I might not be up. It's like 4:00.

LYDIA: You better get some sleep; you have work in the morning.

BOB: No, actually, they gave me tomorrow off.

LYDIA: That must be nice.

Bob and Lydia feel so distanced from each other that he might as well be calling from the bottom of the ocean. (We hear they have terrible reception down there, though.) And as her sarcastic "That must be nice" evidences, Lydia's feeling pretty isolated, too, while she hangs back in the States and takes care of their kids.

Quote #5

BOB: All right. Have a great, great night. I mean, I guess have a great morning.

Assuming Lydia lives in Los Angeles, there's a literal 16-hour time difference between them. The day/night divide adds to the sense of living in totally different worlds. Or at least time zones.

Quote #6

BOB: How are the kids doing?

LYDIA: They're fine. They miss their father, but they're getting used to you not being here. Do I need to worry about you, Bob?

BOB: Only if you want to.

The fact that Bob's kids are used to him being gone just makes his sense of isolation sting that much harder. We also get the sense here that Bob really wants Lydia to show more concern about him, or just interest in him, in general. What do you think?