Luna Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Elise and David Matera were the parents I wished I had. I'd been babysitting for them since I was twelve, and hoping any day now they'd adopt me. (6.1)

At home Regan's parents are always fighting, ignoring their kids, or delivering stupid jokes at the breakfast table. No wonder she's so enamored with the Materas, who actually talk to their kids and go on romantic dates.

Quote #5

What was with her? What was with him? All of them. They were psycho. Freaky. (7.28)

These are pretty typical teenage feelings to have about one's family. Regan's starting to see her family as a bunch of weird aliens that she cannot relate to.

Quote #6

Liam jumped in. "I need to do this alone, Dad. You understand." (10.32)

Instead of accepting Liam for his unique interests, Dad only really trusts and accepts Liam when he's doing manly and acceptable things, like weight-lifting at the YMCA. That's the only reason he's letting him go out, after all.