Luna Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It took a minute to 1) wake up fully because I didn't want my dream to end, and 2) calm Luna down. She was crying so hard, she was hyperventilating. (9.36)

Even the smallest thing can set Luna off, like their dad demanding that she try out for baseball. It's just another painful reminder that she's expected to live her life as a boy.

Quote #5

Tears stung my eyes. It wasn't fair. Why him? Why her? She was such a good person, Luna. Liam. The best brother ever. (14.100)

Life seriously isn't fair sometimes. Even though Luna is a great person and the nicest sibling ever, she has to suffer because people think she's different and a freak.

Quote #6

Anger roiled in my stomach. He was so wasted. So pathetic. I whirled. "You are pathetic," I spat at him. "God! I hate you." (19.25)

Ugh—yet another thing in Regan's life is ruined because she has a transgender sibling. Even though it's not really Luna's fault, Regan can't help but feel the painful loss of her babysitting gig and the disastrous effects of her date with Chris.