Lysistrata Sex Quotes

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Quote #10

Spartan Delegate: "What's the use of wasting lots of words? It's plain to see how we're faring." (They open their cloaks.)

Chorus Leader: "Wow! This condition has grown terribly tense, and looks to be inflamed worse than before."

Spartan Delegate: "Unspeakable! What can one say? Just let someone come and make peace for us on any terms he likes."

Enter Athenian Delegates
Chorus Leader: "Look, now I see these native sons holding their cloaks away from their bellies too, like men wrestling! Looks like a bad case of prickly heat."

First Athenian Delegate: "Who can tell us where Lysistrata is? Because we men are present, and palpably so." (They open their cloaks.)

Chorus Leader: "Their condition seems to jibe with these others. Now, does this cramping seize you in the wee hours?"

First Athenian Delegate: "Yes, and what's worse, we're worn absolutely raw by being in this condition! I mean, if someone doesn't reconcile us soon, there's no way we won't be f***ing Cleisthenes!"(1074-1092)

These lines show the Spartan delegation showing up at Athens to make peace. As they compare notes (and more) with their Athenian counterparts, they realize that the men of both nations are suffering from the same unrelenting sexual desire. If things don't get resolved soon, the First Athenian Delegate says, the men of his city will have to start thinking outside the box—by turning to homosexuality. (Cleisthenes was a man.)