How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
With his hair short and blond, and in his new clothes, he doesn't look like the same person, she thought. Do I like him better this way? It was hard to tell. And me—when I've been able to arrange for my hair being done, we'll be two different persons, almost. Created out of nothing or, rather, out of money. But I just must get my hair done, she told herself. (13.23)
Childan isn't the only character paying attention to his appearance in this book. We don't spend a lot of time in the Rocky Mountain States, but they seem a lot like our states. For instance, here Juliana thinks about both Joe's and her appearance. All it takes is a little (or a lot of) money for a truck driver and a judo instructor to look like high rollers. But notice that little mention of money is sandwiched between two comments about getting her hair done. Juliana may know how money greases society's wheels, but she's still going to look her best.