Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Social Media
Shmoop eavesdrops on your favorite critic's online convos.
Hey F.T., just wanted to do a shout-out at your writings. You really crank them out. Impressive. What are you working on these days?
Gee, thanks. I'm just a big supporter of the little guy getting violent to bring about change. Institutions aren't going to help them! Down with the middle class, and all of its privilege and luxury.
Aren't you independently wealthy?
Just got back from a whirlwind lecture tour in Russia. Those Russkies love them some revolution. Call me crazy, but I smell an uprising.
I heard you had a little uprising of your own.
Telegraph, of course. Information is moving at lightning speed these days. So what happened?
Little? Didn't you challenge him to a duel?
Maybe you need to update your challenge format? Dueling is so Three Musketeers. Isn't that a little old-fashioned?
You're right. Maybe we'll play chicken in fast cars like in Rebel Without a Cause.
That's what I'm talking about.
Hey, F.T.—am thinking of putting together a Manifesto Seminar at the Learning Annex. You game?
I'll have to think about it. You and I don't exactly see eye to eye on things.
Come on—we both love violence, masculinity, and revolution. It'd be fun!
Maybe we need to clear the air on a few things—like that time you stole some of my most radical ideas and claimed them as your own.
Would you have preferred that I wrote a manifesto against you?
Well, since you asked, yes. I've always believed that combat is productive. Since we're on the subject, I would be willing to do a workshop on something like: Attacking Others: How to Use Hate to Create Your Own Avant-Garde Movement.
I like.
Good to hear from you, George. I'm working on a new title: Violence in the Workplace: How Bloodletting and Belligerence Can Take You to the Top of the Corporate Ladder. BTW: I appreciate your praise. Have always admired your work on catastrophe. So aggressive!