Zoey Redbird Montgomery Timeline and Summary


Zoey Redbird Montgomery Timeline and Summary

  • Zoey is standing at her locker afterschool one day when a vampyre shows up and Marks her, leaving her with a crescent moon outline on her forehead and the knowledge that she's got to get to the House of Night.
  • Zoey's friend Kayla and her sorta-ex-boyfriend Heath freak out, and Zoey drives home, trying to figure out what to do.
  • Her mom and her step-dad also flip, wanting to call in the church community to pray for Zoey to get better, so Zoey runs away from home, feeling ill.
  • Zoey goes to see her Grandma, who's always been awesome. While walking out to find Grandma in the area surrounding her house, Zoey passes out and hits her head.
  • She thinks she hears her grandma calling her, but it turns out to be Nyx, the Goddess of vampyres and the night. Nyx tells Zoey that she's special, and Nyx has chosen her to be Nyx's eyes and ears in the world.
  • When Zoey wakes up, she's in the House of Night, where her grandma brought her to be healed. She meets Nefret, the local High Priestess, who welcomes her and becomes her mentor.
  • While touring the campus, Zoey is left alone, and accidentally stumbles upon a scene where a girl is trying to give a guy a blowjob, even though he's pushing her away. Weird.
  • Nefret finds Zoey and takes her to her dorm. The chick from the hallway, Aphrodite, turns out to be a mean girl, but Zoey's new roomie, Stevie Rae, is really sweet.
  • Stevie Rae takes Zoey to the dining hall, where Zoey meets the rest of the kids who'll become her friends: Damien, Erin, and Shaunee.
  • Zoey attends her classes the next evening, and sees the hot guy from the hall—his name's Erik and everyone has a crush on him.
  • After classes end, Zoey attends a full moon ritual with all the vampyres and fledglings in attendance, and she has a transcendent experience feeling all five of the elements being invoked.
  • Right after that, Zoey goes to the full moon ritual hosted by the Dark Daughters, and Aphrodite feeds her fresh blood mixed with wine without telling her what it is. Zoey runs out and pukes, not because it was gross, but because she's disgusted with herself for loving the taste of it.
  • After cleaning up, Zoey hears a meow and finds a cute cat. She's distracted when she thinks she sees a fledgling who just died, though, and then she sees Kayla and Heath who've snuck over to visit her.
  • Both Heath and Kayla are obnoxiously drunk and/or high, which is a turn-off to Zoey… but then she gets a lick of Heath's blood from a cut on his wrist. It's intoxicating. Heath reluctantly leaves when Kayla pulls him away, leaving Zoey confused about her new desires.
  • While Zoey's freaking out about all this stuff, Erik finds her and talks to her. He says that he and Aphrodite aren't going out anymore, and he flirts with Zoey while walking her back to her dorm.
  • Talking with Stevie Rae, Zoey suddenly realizes that she's got to infiltrate the Dark Daughters, since Aphrodite's too selfish to do a good job of running the group or being a future High Priestess.
  • Struggling for ideas, Zoey talks to her grandma, who recommends that she perform the Cherokee purification prayer and ask Nyx for guidance; Zoey's friends help her do the ceremony, and Zoey feels better about everything.
  • Zoey sees Erik again, and this time they kiss. She pulls back because it makes her feel slutty, but he reassures her that he's into her emotionally, not just physically.
  • Another kid dies, and once again, Zoey runs into the supposedly dead fledgling. Her ex Heath is obsessively texting her, and Zoey also sees Aphrodite having a creepy prophetic vision, which not even Nefret can decipher. Bummers abound.
  • Zoey attends the next Dark Daughters ritual by herself. Aphrodite leads all the attendees out of the school and to a local museum's garden. She starts the ritual, but Heath interrupts, and Zoey has to step in and save the day with her friends by casting a new ritual circle to contain the hungry ghosts.
  • Zoey tells Aphrodite that she's taking over the Dark Daughters, and Nefret appears to confirm the change in leadership. Zoey knows that there are a lot of challenges ahead, but she's got her new friends to back her up.