Marked Resources


The Whole Dang Series' Website

Want to know where the series goes after Marked? You'll find a ton of info here, from blurbs about each subsequent book to wallpapers and quizzes.

House of Night Graphic Novels by Dark Horse

More of a visual type? Check out this series, which fills in some of the gaps in the books.


Welcome to the Silver Screen

Davis Films has acquired the movie rights for the series and is moving forward with a film.

Don't Start Popping Popcorn Just Yet

P.C. Cast is still waiting on news about where they'll film the movie, who'll be cast in it, and so on. She urges her readers to contact the producer to chime in.


LoveVampires Interviews P.C. and Kristin Cast

They have an adorable mother-daughter dynamic, including arguments about who loves Spike from Buffy more. (Psst… we do.)

Paranormal Romance Interviews P.C. Cast

Cast discusses her writing (like character development and world-building) and some of the other series she's working on besides the House of Night stuff.


Writing Out Loud Interview with P.C.

Cast discusses her responsibilities to her readers, some of the reflections of her experience in her books, and the trajectory of the series.

Dark Horse Motion Comics House of Night Series

Hungry for more stories set in the same universe as Marked? Check out Dark Horse's motion comics based on various stories from that world.

But Where Do All These Ideas Come From?

P.C. Cast answers questions about her research on religion for her House of Night books and how she decided to have her vampyres be Marked among other things.


P.C. and Kristin Cast Together

Aw, aren't they cute?

Fan Images of Vampyre Tattoos

The Casts ran a contest for their fans to see who could create the coolest vampyre tattoos. Here are the results.